Friday, October 10, 2008

Somewhere in the crowd there's you

There he was sitting on the floor, with no minimum attention to guys with their bulldogs and girls painting there initials & taking photos for a new facebook posting. That Friday night at Corba streets, Ali could find a place to paint his black & white life in COLOURS .Totally invisible to ppl in the street he was busy doing some painting. I asked his permission for a photo & he nicely accepted with a beautiful smile on his face. A Street child left all the city chaos behind his back and started an imaginary life from scratch every Friday night. I asked him if he needed anything, he thought for a while then replied ‘bananas’!I would like some bananas :)

The fruit Man was nearby, so I handed him some bananas, apples & yogurt. He took them silently but his eyes showed more than just being thankful. He was happy! I left him with a painful heart, and the best I could do is to promise to meet him next Friday to see his new paintings. Kindly he accepted, and when I asked him not to change his place, he moved his head as saying ‘NO, I won’t.
Thanks Ali for your kindness facing cruelty of this mad city. You’re there to give hope. Paint a world of your own, and I hope one day lights will find you, shining like the sun , smiling ,having fun , feeling like a number one.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Et separons nous?

c'etait ton dernier jour
tu me trouves comme un pauvre coucou
Et séparons nous?
je te voie dans mes rêves
et tu tombes à genoux
Et séparons nous?
je te l'ai dejas dis
oublie le monde , les regrets
je veux ni château ni bijou
Et séparons nous?
tu es mon charme et ma gaieté
mon extase et ma douceur
ta tournesol pour toujours
ne veux ni pain ni sou
Et séparons nous?
la porte s'ouvre et voilà tu parts
ni un seul mot ,même pas un regard
est-ce moi ton tabou
Et séparons nous ?